Thursday, September 20, 2012

New Form of Media Publishing

New Media
(Source: Movin on media 2012)

Newspaper used to be the most relevant and reliable media available. Decades ago, people receive information from newspaper.  However, new forms of media publishing are popping out one-by-one in this technology advance era. Naughton (2006) state that the combine use of digital technology, personal computer and world wide web result huge impact to the changes and development. Naughton (2006) also mention that all the new technology and new form media has made life easier. In this century, YouTube, Twitter, facebook and online newspaper are widely use. All these new media allows user to seek or receive information faster compare to the old printed media.

For example Twitter. Twitter is a free social site for people to communicate. The creation of Twitter has great impact on celebrity journalism. Celebrities fans have skew towards the use of Twitter for latest information faster and easier. This made Twitter a creditable platform for user as it able to get top and slightly deeper information faster compare to old media.

Another example will be the use of YouTube for negotiating power. YouTube is a very successful new media. YouTube allow blogger to have video blog to share their information. In this century, people that tend to visiting Vlog are more than mainstream media due to the government media control. It appear to have higher truthfulness and more trustworthy under certain circumstances.  Therefore, people use Vlog to express their ideas or unconvinced. The most appropriate example will be Namewee. Namewee uses Vlog to express his symbolic resistance which is unable to do through the mainstream media. However, this has both positive and negative supporters as creditability are situational. 

As conclusion, everything has its bright and dark side, use wisely.

Naughton, J 2006, Blogging and the emerging media ecosystem, viewed on 20 September 2012,  <>

Blog Creditability and Ways to Build Creditable Blog

 Is This Blog Creditable?
Like every other media, a blog can be either very informative or the other way round very dry. Informative blogs are highly credibility to bloggers. However, credibility of a blog is being judge differently by different user. According to Johnson and Kaye (2008), individual blog creditability judgment falls on the believability, fairness, accuracy and depth. Besides information, sponsor of the site can also affect the creditability judgments. For example, is supported by This increases the creditability of the blog. 
 Automotive Blog

(Source: 2012)

Sternthal, Dholakin &Leavitt (1978) view that, a highly creditable blog will generate larger influence on viewer in terms of attitude and behavior compare to the less creditable ones. On the other hand, McGuire (1968) argue that creditability are not given from source of information, but it is create from the audience perception that take the information as knowledge, education, intelligence, social status and professions achievement. Therefore from McGuire point of view, creditability can be situational. For example, blog user which has no interest on automobile will give less creditability to, vice versa. Later on, Fogg et al. (2003) state that, information, site design and sponsor are factors to judge blog creditability. Besides the above mention judgments, trustworthy, in-depth information, and writhing style are also creditability judgments. As conclusion, blogs allow us to have top information and direct observation of bloggers experience. 

Build Creditable Blog 
According to Azzollini (2012), build online community are important before widen creditability. To increase community, bloggers must highlight on interest point to attract audience reappear, expecting more posting available. Building a creditable blog, it is best to seek suggestion form journalists. Poynter Institute recommends developing a regular posting schedule. Regular flow of information will attract audience attention. However, irregular or rare posting might irritate and disappoint audience. Besides that, creditable blogger must remain positive communication. Replay and response to comments maintaining communication flow are important. Lastly, frequent update will let audience feel fresh towards the page.

‘Poynter Institute’ 2012, Wikipedia, viewed 10 September 2012, <>. 
Azzollini, s 2012, Building Credibility With Online Communities: Tips From Professional News Rooms, viewed on 10 September 2012, <>
Finn, J & Zuniga, H 2011, Online credibility and community among blog users, viewed on 10 September 2012, <> 
Fogg, B.J., Soohoo, C., Danielson, D. R., Marable, L., Stanford, J., & Trauber, E. R. (2003). How do users evaluate the credibility of Web sites? A study with over 2,500 participants. Proceedings of DUX2003, Designing for User Experiences Conference.
Johnson, T & kaye, B 2008, Can you Teach a New Blog Old Tricks? How Blog Users Judge Credibility of Different Types of Blogs for Information About the Iraq War, viewed on 10 September 2012, <>
McGuire, W. J. (1968). The nature of attitudes and attitude change. In G. Lindzey & E. Aronson (eds.), Handbook of Social Psychology 3, 136-314. Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley.
Sternthal, B., Dholakia, R., & Leavitt, C. (1978). The persuasive effect of source credibility: Tests of cognitive response. Journal of Consumer Research, 4 (4), 252-260.

Monday, September 10, 2012

Screen VS Print Document Design

 According to Jakob Nielsen (1999), screen design (web) is basically a scrolling experience which user just need to type, scroll and  click the information they searching for from the world wide web through computer screen. However, print document design is a visual appearance of printed document in the form of hard copy which produce by using the use of ink and paper to deliver information. Common examples of print document design are newspaper and books. 
Screen Design (Web)
Print Document Design (Newspaper)

 There are few differences between screen and print document design in term of their layout, navigation,and font size. As example in this case, i would use power point slides (screen) and books (print document) to show the differences.

First will be the layout of screen design (power point slides). A power point slide can be expend to full screen mode while presentation and it able to have the view of slides at left bar when plotting slides. Besides that pictures and even videos can be added into the slides. However, as for print document (book) that usually present in A4 size are packed with words and only pictures are available as add on, layout are very important. A good and reader friendly print document must be well organize to prevent reader from any irritating inconvenience.
Screen Design (Power Point Slide)
Screen Design (Full Screen Power Point Slide)
Print Document Design (Book)

Second is the navigation. According to Jakob Nielsen (1999) moving around is what the Web is all about. Screen design often have links for user to access from one-to-another for further information. Moving to another link is just one click away. However, for print document design the only navigation moves are the page turning through table of content and glossary. 

Screen Design (Power Point Slide: Hyperlink) 
Print Document Design (Book: Table of Content) 

Third is the difference of font size. Font size that usually used on power point slide are between size 24 to 36. However for books, font size are usually  size 10 to 14. This is due to the readability in screen design and the print document design are different. Small font size in power point slides will have difficulty to read. On the other hand, huge font size in book will be a waste of space.
Screen Design (Power Point Slide: Font Size 24-36)
Print Document Design (Book: Font Size 10-14)    

Nielsen, J 1999, Difference Between Print Design and Web Design, viewed on 11 September 2012, <>

Blogs Clasification

 Blogs are design with different kind of style and this makes it difficult to identify the types they belong to. In order to classify blogs, the content of it are one of the element to look for. 

Blogs can be classified into 4 groups:
A)Subject Matter~ Blog objective and point of lifestyle, politics, personal journal and so..

Personal Blog
(Source: MissTLWen 2012)

Political Blog
(Source: Malaysia For All 2012)

Lifestyle Blog
(Source: BKKGUY 2012)

B) Device~  Using mobile, smart phone or  PDA as device to do blog posting: Moblog 
digitalrendezvous on a mobile
(Source: Moblog 2012)

C) Media Type~ Choice of media to use eg. Vlog and Sketchblog

(Source: Namewee 2012)


D) Status Publisher~
Product blog: A blog company use to update mews.
(Source: The Rapala Insider 2012)

However, Marget Simons (2008) states that blogs can be divided into 9 groups which are pamphlettering blogs, digest blogs, advocacy blogs, popular mechanics blogs, exhibition blogs, gatewatcher blogs, diary blogs, advertisement blogs and news blogs. Detail information can be found in A Taxonomy of Blogs

In my opinion, i feel that classifying blogs using subject matter, device, media type and status of publisher will be easier for public to find the information they want. As long as we Google the particular such as "photography blog', it will appear list of blogs related to photography. Classify blogs in this matter also make blogger easier to hit their target audience.

Simons, M 2008, Towards a taxonomy of blogs, viewed on 10 September 2012, <>